PHS Class of 1968

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** = REQUIRED Fields

This page provides a way to update your address, personal information, or email for the PHS Class of 1968. 
Please enter your information and hit the SUBMIT button.
Your updated information will be sent to your class committee.

Note: you can submit information using this form about other classmates that you may know.
Please put a note in one of the boxes that the data is not first hand.


Please provide the following contact information:

First Name


Last Name


Middle Initial

Maiden Name

Spouse Name

Street Address

Address (cont.)



Zip/Postal Code


Work Phone

Home Phone

Cell Phone

E-mail Address 1


E-mail Address 2

Your Website?

Information about yourself or other classmates that might be of interest?
Names of your children and their email addresses could prove useful!

Please provide new addresses or emails of your classmates...

Select any of the following options that apply:

I'm interested in attending class reunions
I'm interested in joining the Yahoo group for PHS 1968
I'm interested in The Dome class yearbook on CD

Joseph M. Carver, Ph.D.
Copyright © 2002 [PHS Class of 1967]. All rights reserved.
Modified by Keith Davis